Thursday, January 20, 2011

A New Venture Begins Today

While I am a published author of two books, I must admit that I have been very reluctant to begin a blog.  My time is highly valued and limited because there is a lot to be done in maintaining Serenity's Edge by myself.

It seems to me that there is so much verbiage on the internet these days that is really quite worthless and a waste of time to read.  For example, on a facebook entry I noticed that the banter between two friends in a single day went like this...." I miss you today."  "I miss you too."  " "Do you really miss me?"  "Yes, I really miss you."  "So what are we going to do tonight?" "I don't know. What do you want to do?"  "I don't know.  What do you suggest?".... "It is so boring to just do work stuff."....  (So they are writing at their work place?  I pity their boss.)   Keep in mind that this was posted on their wall for the world to see. 

This one small example is a very sad situation of meaningless nothingness for the sake of writing for writing's sake and it is everywhere!  Here are just a few of other social network sites: twitter, myspace, linkedin, ning, tagged, hi5, friendster, mylife, orkut, multiply, meetup, bebo, perfspot, zorpia, netlog, and habbo.  Most people who use one site usually post on several sites several times a day.  Add to this, millions of text phone messages per minute.  Lastly, add many blog sites as well.  The whole thing is overwhelming in terms of the magnitude of raw words written per minute.  For what real value?  What is happening to truly meaningful writing?

So, here is my first posting--a rambling opinion of what has happened to America where we are so out of control in so many ways--including words.   I promise if I do continue this blog efforting, I will write with a passion for meaningful discoveries, ideas, things to share of significance and hopefully beneficial to others reading this.

I leave you  today with a request.  Please, watch what you say.  Be mindful of its content and affect on the world at large.

Wordingly yours,